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Agile Testing tools List

Update: A full list, with links to the tools, an editable wiki page and more,  is now located on the book wiki site. Feel free to add your own tools in there.


Working on an appendix for my book, with a list of tools and frameworks you should care about. Tell me if I missed anything:

· Mock Frameworks

o Moq

o Rhino Mocks

o Typemock Isolator

o NMock

o NUnit.Mocks

· Test Frameworks

o MS Test

o NUnit

o MbUnit

o XUnit

o Gallio 

· Dependency Injection and Ioc Containers

o StructureMap

o Microsoft Unity

o Castle Windsor

o Common IServiceLocator Framework

o Managed Extensibility Framework

o Spring.NET

o AutoFac

· Database testing

o Use Integration testing

o MbUnit,NUnit,XUnit Rollback attributes

o TransactionScope

· Web Testing

o Ivonna and Typemock

o Team System Web Test

o NUnitASP

o Watin

o Watir

o Selenium

· UI Testing

o NUnitForms

o Project White

o Team System UI Tests

o Typemock Isolator

· Threading Related Testing

o Microsoft Chess

o Typemock Racer

o Osherove.ThreadTester

· General Testing

o Pex

· Acceptance Testing

o Fit & Fitnesse

o Watin and Watir and selenium

BDD: Behavior vs. Spec Frameworks

Isolator feature focus: Live objects in unit tests