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My "Deep Reflection" Talk at TechEd - Slides, Demos and links available.

Update: Oren has a more technical scoop of my Talk and the WinFX Talk he attended on Day 1. He gave us both a 9 out of 10, which I'd say is a pretty remarkable first day at TechEd :) BTW, Oren will be speaking at the C# User Group this week on Advanced Uses of delegates and Generics. I just might make it there and catch him live.

What a great experience this Tech-Ed Israel has been!
My Session about Deep Reflection went very well, if I do say so myself. It felt smooth ,and the only thing I'd change is that I'd take less questions from the audience next time.
First, here are the slides and demos for this talk that you can download and play with.
Here are resource links from the talk:
It's funny how, in this 400 level session, a guy came up to me right after the talk finished and said something like "you didn't explain what Reflection was". After explaining to him that my session was meant for people who already know some reflection (as I mentioned at the beginning of my talk) he said "OK, so you can tell me in a sentence what Reflection is?". I did. And he said "Great talk" and left.
I'm not sure if he was just polite, but it was a weird experience after all.
My talk finished with a sentence my wife actually came up with (ain't it fun when you wife is a developer too??!!) which goes something like
"We are standing here in Eilat, where the mountains Reflect beautifully on the water during sunrise and sunset. The next time you witness a beautiful, romantic sunset, I want you to think about Reflection, And me."
It certainly left an impression, and seems to be just about the only thing people remember from that talk ;)
In any case, if you were in my talk, I'd *love* to hear your comments (good or bad!) about it so that I can either feel good about it, or get better for next time.
Cross Posted from Blogs.Microsoft.Co.Il/Blogs/Royo

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