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Had fun speaking at INDA (Ireland .NET user group)

I'd like to thank Paschal for arranging my speaking at the INDA users group in Ireland last Friday. It was really a great bunch of people and I was pretty excited (and tired from a full week f training I've done just before coming on) to do it.
I did two talks: Intro to Agile development and Unit testing best practices. I'll hopefully have links to the slides later this week. the talk was also audio recorded and(!) video recorded. When that's up I'll let you know...
In any case, some pictures from the event are attached from your viewing pleasure.
Those who have not seen me in a while might notice a slight(ly large) weight gain. All I can say is - I'm working on it :)
Me speaking at the Ireland .NET Users group
The INDA crowd was... engaged ;)
Geek dinner with some Irish developers - much fun was had by all

Easy tip to speed up your Virtual PC

Small Domain Specific Language for the GoF Design patterns