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Sessions done at TechEd

I just finished doing all my sessions and chalk talks at TechEd. phew.
I didn't imagine it would be so demanding physically (the mileage you walk between sessions is huge!).
I've gotten feedback scores on all of them - and came out just above average on the overall score.
You'd be amazed, but at the speaker lounge, the session scores are what matters most. There's actually a screen up there detailing the top ten scored session (Kimberly Tripp appears 3 times there...).
Whenever a speaker finishes their session, they quickly login to the MS Events website to find out their given scores. The scores later make a large part in deciding what speakers to bring on next year or next conference.
So basically, even some of the biggest names you know as speakers can sometimes be found running up the stairs to the speaker lounge to check their score. As a side note, some of them are pretty damn puffy about doing well in there. There's certainly a lot of ego running around the halls, mine included.
The last session was at 8.30 am after the party night at TechEd. The party rocked (though I think the Israeli Party was better - people actually, like, danced) I got about 150 people in which is not that bad!
I gave out two T Shirts with "Got Regex" printed on them and a few Got Regex key chains :)
Someone even took a picture with me as the Guy who Wrote The Regulator. That was weird and fun :)
The first two sessions were chalk talks about Unit Testing. They went well though were very crowded. They should have been full sessions, really.
Anyway, I'll have more details when I can rest myself a bit. I have a full day of interviews ahead of me (speaking to various interesting people to publish later on) and I have to get ready. Also got a bit of video filmed on the show floor, so maybe you'll get that sometime when I can manage to share it (through the MS Emea team).

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