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I might be in L.A in October, and open for consulting/speaking engagements

It looks like I might be in the neighborhood of L.A this October for several weeks.
Possible things I'd like to do while there:
  • Speak at a user group or two about Agile/Regex/.NET stuff
  • Consult/Train on Agile/.NET
  • Have a blogger/geek dinner?
If your company may be interested in me consulting regarding Agile development (Courses, training or mentoring on Test Driven Development, Agile Project Management etc.) or .NET Architecture and best practices, contact me as soon as possible by email to and we'll see if we can set something up.
If your user group would like me to come over, contact me by the same email listed above and we'll see if we can set something up.

Fixing MSDN's bad DPAPI examples (And what's DPAPI anyway?)

Performance vs. Testability and semi-virtual method calls