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Settings Add-in ver. 1.0 released on GotDotNet

OK. I've released version 1.0 of my VS.NET Settings add-in on GotDotNet.

Here's the project's URL.

You can download the full setup there (Currently tested on 2002 only).

After installation you'll get a new menu command uner the "tools" menu called "SettingsAddin" (Havn't figured out how to change the damn thing yet!).

clicking on it allows you to either import an existing settings file(which was exported earlier) or to export your current color configurations to a settings file.

sweet & simple.

since this is my first gotDotNet project, I sure made some "newbie" mistakes, so I'd like to know of any(such as missing source control stuff or whatever). I welcome participation and code contributions, so feel free to join in.

here are some screenshots:

Tab 1 - Import

Tab 2 - Export

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